I don't have an extraordinary story! Like anyone else, I grew up thinking that only my life experiences have been unique. However, now I come to realize that everyone has their own share of struggles which makes every story unique in its own way.
I have got my artistic instincts from my grandfather (paternal) who was a beautiful painter at the time of the British rule in India. I remember his stories of travelling to Mumbai to find some artistic work and his struggles to financially run a household with four children. But that didn't stop him from pursuing his skills.
His storytelling has inspired me a lot. I attempt to share stories captured by my own lens. Photography is my passion and I hope to use it to create a socially responsible influence.
My grandfather (maternal) is still remembered for his kind and generous acts within my community. He is the one who instilled the fire to fight for social justice in me. I was always raised to be equal to a man and my parents didn't differentiate because I was born a girl. My journey as a South Asian woman from India to Canada has been very fascinating and it has always been about 'breaking the stereotypes'.
This website is a tribute to my both grandfathers who are no longer with me. Years of missing them has brought this realization of my strengths and clarity as to my journey ahead. This website is my attempt to use my photography to tell stories that break the stereotypes, whether it be about being a woman or bringing body positivity or creating acceptance for different abled bodies!
I hope you enjoy this journey.
Dhara Shah